
The Lord's Ceo Music Catalog is the official audio streaming service of Batal Production and is designed to further connect the average everyday consumer with business owner from within their local community globally. Our audio streaming platform offers high quality music on a platform that is fast and secured. Account holders will have the ability to upload sound from any device and share online on a variety of networks. The Lord's Ceo music catalog can connect you with a wide variety of listener’s globally, giving your audio track the opportunity to be heard and connect with businesses from within your local community.

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Tess of The Road

30 30


As a content creator, whether a musician or industry professional, a few questions you should ask yourself when considering an audio streaming platform to monetize your content through sales and royalties should be ownership and control of content, distribution costs, royalty amount and distribution frequency, marketing and promotion, getting the attention of playlist curators, influencers and other industry professionals and last but not least, piracy and downloads. My music catalog, the lord ceo music catalog can give your music the promotion and exposure needed to gain a new audience, retain one that’s current and connect with the average everyday consumer overall, globally.
We offer a variety of ways where your audio track can be easily used to connect with the average everyday consumer globally.


According to Forbes magazine, the very first broadcast medium discovered approximately one hundred years ago, when Pittsburgh’s KDKA aired the return of the 1920 Presidential election. Since then, despite the launch of rival electronic media such as television and the Internet, radio has been thriving. The average American adult still listens for 1 hour and 45 minutes each day. According to Nielsen’s Total Audience Report, in third quarter 2018 AM/FM radio reached 92% of adults 18+ each week. In spite of other audio choices, the reach of AM/FM radio has remained consistent. By comparison, in the past year, the weekly reach of live/time shifted television dropped from 88% to 86%.
Research & development - Given the rapid rate of technological advancement, as a small production house, we realize the importance of staying competitive. Future development to our audio streaming platform that is currently under research and development include the ability to import audio media from YouTube, iTunes and sound cloud. We consider this feature to be very difficult for our competitors to replicate while giving us the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve while anticipating customer demands and/or trends.

Tess of The Road

84 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

89 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

25 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor

Quis Ornare Dui Tempus

56 Lorem Ipsum, Dolor

P.S. Request your Artist account

Create your free user account then request an Artist account at anytime. Offering you the variety of creating your very own marketplace, sell tickets and merchandise and publish your product reviews through our online blogging system. Start trending today as an Artist and make our hall of fame. We pay 2.5 percent royalties in the form of quarterly payments on premium subscriptions


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